Graichen LP, Linder M, Keuter L, Jensen O, Doeller CF, Lamm C, Staudigl T#, Wagner IC# (2024). Entorhinal grid-like codes for visual space during memory formation. Preprint on bioRxiv. # shared authorship
Forbes PAG, Gökhan A, Braunstein J, Todorova B, Wagner IC, Lockwood PL, Apps MAJ, Ruff CC, Lamm C (2024). Acute stress reduces effortful prosocial behaviour. Elife
Lengersdorff LL, Wagner IC, Mittman F, Sastre-Yagüe D, Lüttig A, Olsson A, Petrovic P, Lamm C (2023). Neuroimaging and behavioral evidence that violent video games exert no negative effect on human empathy for pain and emotional reactivity to violence. Elife
Boch M, Wagner IC, Karl S, Huber L, Lamm C (2023). Functionally analogous body- and animacy-responsive areas are present in the dog (Canis familiaris) and human occipito-temporal lobe. Communications biology
Boch M, Karl S, Wagner IC, Lengersdorff LL, Huber L, Lamm C (2023). Action observation reveals a network with divergent temporal and parietal lobe engagement in dogs compared to humans. Preprint on bioRxiv
Ruiz M, Groessing A, Guran A, Koçan AU, Mikus N, Nater UM, Kouwer K, Posserud MB, Salomon-Gimmon M, Todorova B, Wagner IC, Gold C, Silani G, Specht K (2023). Music for autism: a protocol for an international randomized crossover trial on music therapy for children with autism. Frontiers in Psychiatry
Ren J, Konrad BN, Wagner IC, Dresler M (2023). Mnemonic training contextualizes working memory with long-term memory representations: Commentary on Miller et al. (2022). European Journal of Neuroscience
Wagner IC, Graichen LP, Todorova B, Lüttig A, Omer DB, Stangl M & Lamm C (2023). Entorhinal grid-like codes and time-locked network dynamics track others navigating through space. Nature Communications
Wagner IC, Jensen O, Doeller CF & Staudigl T (2022). Saccades are coordinated with directed circuit dynamics and stable but distinct hippocampal patterns that promote memory formation. Preprint on bioRxiv
Wagner IC, Konrad BN, Schuster P, Reisig S, Repantis D, Ohla K, Kühn S, Fernández G, Steiger A, Lamm C, Zisch M & Dresler M (2021). Durable memories and efficient neural coding through mnemonic training using the method of loci. Science Advances
Boch M, Karl S, Sladky R, Huber L, Lamm C#, Wagner IC# (2021). Tailored haemodynamic response function increases detection power of fMRI in awake dogs (Canis familiaris). NeuroImage # shared authorship
Lengersdorff LL, Wagner IC, Lockwood P, Lamm C (2020). When implicit prosociality trumps selfishness: the neural valuation system underpins more optimal choices when learning to avoid harm to others than to oneself. Journal of Neuroscience
Wagner IC, Rütgen M, Hummer A, Windischberger C & Lamm C (2020). Placebo-induced pain reduction is associated with negative coupling between brain networks at rest. NeuroImage
Wagner IC, Rütgen M & Lamm C (2020). Pattern similarity and connectivity of hippocampal-neocortical regions support empathy for pain. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Wagner IC, van Buuren M & Fernández G (2019). Thalamo-cortical coupling during encoding and consolidation is linked to durable memory formation. NeuroImage
Lamm C, Rütgen M & Wagner IC (2019). Imaging empathy and prosocial emotions. Neuroscience Letters
van Buuren M#, Wagner IC# & Fernández G (2019). Functional network interactions at rest underlie individual differences in memory ability. Learning & Memory # shared authorship
Riva F, Tschernegg M, Chiesa PA, Wagner IC, Kronbichler M, Lamm C & Silani G (2018). Age-related differences in the neural correlates of empathy for pleasant and unpleasant touch in a female sample. Neurobiology of Aging
Dresler M#, Shirer WR#, Konrad BN#, Müller NCJ#, Wagner IC, Fernández G, Czisch M & Greicius M (2017). Mnemonic training reshapes brain networks to support superior memory. Neuron # shared authorship
Wagner IC#, van Buuren M#, Bovy L, Morris RG & Fernández G (2017). Methylphenidate during early consolidation affects long-term memory retrieval depending on baseline catecholamines. Psychopharmacology # shared authorship
Wagner IC (2016). The integration of distributed memory traces. Journal of Neuroscience
Wagner IC, van Buuren M, Bovy L & Fernández G (2016). Parallel engagement of regions associated with encoding and later retrieval forms durable memories. Journal of Neuroscience
van Dongen EV, Kersten IHP, Wagner IC, Morris RG & Fernández G (2016). Physical exercise performed four hours after learning improves memory retention and increases hippocampal pattern similarity during retrieval. Current Biology
Wagner IC, van Buuren M, Kroes MCW, Gutteling T, van der Linden M, Morris RG & Fernández G (2015). Schematic memory components converge within angular gyrus during retrieval. Elife
van Buuren M, Kroes MCW, Wagner IC, Genzel L, Morris RG & Fernández G (2014). Initial investigation of an experimentally learned schema on spatial associative memory in humans. Journal of Neuroscience
Wagner IC, Väljamäe A, Daly I. (2012). Non-visual and Multisensory BCI systems: Present and Future. In: Allison BZ, Dunne S, Leeb R, del Millan J, Nijholt A. (Eds.). Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces: Bridging the Gap from Research to Real-World Applications. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg. Book chapter
Allison BZ, Brunner C, Altstätter C, Wagner IC, Grissmann S, Neuper C. (2012). A hybrid ERD/SSVEP BCI for continuous simultaneous cursor control. Journal of Neuroscience Methods